

6月1日 下午中心在九龙湖校区教七400会议室组织了第58届青年教师首次开课培训活动(四),聘请外籍教师Dr. Harpham主讲“大学课堂有效教与学的组织------美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校的实践”专题。


  1. 以UT Dallas荣誉学院为例介绍课堂的多种组织形式 ;

  2. 教师如何与学生互动(指关注学生动态,包括指导学习、研究等) ; 

  3. 教学大纲的规划、执行与评估。



Dr. Edward J. Harpham BiographyDr. Harpham is the Dean of the Hobson Wildenthal Honors College and Associate Provost at The University of Texas at Dallas, overseeing its many activities. A Professor of Political Science, Dr. Harpham teaches courses in political theory, American government, Texas politics, and public policy. With Wendy Harpham M.D., he has developed a sequence of honors readings tutorials that explore the history, philosophy, and practice of medicine. Dr. Harpham is a previous winner of the Chancellor Council's Outstanding Teaching Award. He sits on the Board of the Archer Center in Washington D.C. and serves as the faculty advisor for the Archer Internship Program. He has published extensively on the role that economic ideas play in modern political thought and their impact upon public policy. His more recent work focuses on the role that emotions and passions play in modern political thought. He is the co-author with Anthony Champagne of the bestselling textbook Governing Texas. Visit Dr. Harpham's homepage to learn more about his research and courses.